Ultrasonic Testing L I,II (for Aerospace) (EN 4179-NAS 410) Class Room-Online Live Course

Is it for me?

Suitable for personnel working in the aerospace 

Duration: 10 days

What will I learn?

This curriculum meets or exceeds the examination 
syllabus for the certification of Level 2 personnel in 
Ultrasonic Testing of Aerospace Materials and 
Components, in accordance to EN 4179.
The course ends with the certification examination.



Day 1 (Hours 1 to 4) THEORY,

CHAPTER 1: Basic Principles of Eddy Currents

CHAPTER 1: Generation and Detection of Ultrasonic 
Energy The nature of sound Acoustics Transmission of 
sound, Basic application to the detection of defects, 
Electro-acoustic transducers Natural piezo-electric 
crystals Synthetically grown crystals, artificially 
produced piezo-electric materials, Polarized PVDF film, 
Curie temperature, Piezo-electric transducer qualities, 
Standing waves, Resonant frequency
APPENDIX B: Reference Literature: Standards and 
APPENDIX E: Glossary of Terms

Day 1 (Hours 5 to 8) PRACTICAL,

Hour 5 Instructor Demo, Equipment calibration
Hours 6 to 8 Student Practice, Practical Exercises (QRS 
29) HOMEWORK Chapter 1 issued

Day 2 (Hours 9 to 12) THEORY,

Review of Homework Chapters 1,

CHAPTER 3: Electrical Theory

Direct current (DC), Direct current theory, Alternating 
current (AC) theory

CHAPTER 2: Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves in 

Modes of propagation: Compressional, Shear, Surface, 
Plate (Lamb), Creeping

CHAPTER 3: Sound Distribution from a Crystal

Huygens Principle, Near field Far Field Beam Axis, Sound 
attenuation in the far field, Calculation of near field and 
beam spread, Calculation of beam diameter, Beam 

Day 2 (Hours 13 to 16) PRACTICAL,

Hour 13 Instructor Demo, Characteristics of Reflectors
Hours 14 to 16 Student Practice, Practical Exercises (QRS 
HOMEWORK Chapters 2 & 3 issue

Day 3 (Hours 17 to 20) THEORY

Review of Homework Chapter 2 & 3

CHAPTER 4: Behavior of Ultrasound at Material 
Interfaces (Reflection)

Reflection, Characteristic acoustic impedance 
Significance of acoustic impedance variations, Couplant, 
Reflection and refraction of ultrasonic energy, Reflection 
of incident compressional
wave, Reflection of incident shear wave, Main 
applications in ultrasonic inspection, Effect of
beam spread Plate or wall thickness Applications, 
Relative amplitudes and angles

Day 3 (Hours 21 to 24) PRACTICAL,

Hour 21 Instructor Demo, Acoustic Impedance Beam 
Hours 22 to 24 Student Practice, Practical Exercises (QRS 
HOMEWORK Chapter 4 issued

Day 4 (Hours 25 to 28) THEORY,

Review of Homework Chapter 4

CHAPTER 5: Behavior of Ultrasound at Material 
Interfaces (Refraction)

Refraction of incident compressional wave, First critical 
angle, Second critical angle, Refraction of incident shear 
wave, Main applications in ultrasonic inspection, Effect 
of temperature changes, Skip distance, Path length

Day 3 (Hours 29 to 32) PRACTICAL,

Hour 29 Instructor Demo, Shear wave calibration Skip 
distance Path length
Hours 30 to 32 Student Practice,
Practical Exercises (QRS 29) 
HOMEWORK Chapter 5 issued

Day 5 (Hours 33 to 36) THEORY,

Review of Homework Chapter 5

CHAPTER 6: Probe Design, Operating Frequency and 

Probe design, Probe design considerations Piezo-electric 
elements Probe operating frequency Natural resonant 
frequency, Pulse length and backing members Q and 
bandwidth, Sensitivity, acoustic impedance and resolving 
power, Optimum sensitivity and
Resolution, Probe performance, Probe identification, 
Probe types: compressional, shear, surface, lamb, delay, 
twin, water immersion and water irrigated, roller, 
focused, paintbrush (mosaic)

CHAPTER 7: Flaw Detector Principles

Basic components of flaw detector, including: Cathode 
ray tube, pulse generator, PRF, pulse transmitter, time 
base sweep generator, amplifier, reject, gain, 
attenuators, signal processing, filters, gates, displays, Ascan presentation

Day 5 (Hours 37 to 40) PRACTICAL,

Hour 37 Instructor Demo, Flaw detector: PRF, filters, 
displays, damping, pulse length, reject.
Hours 38 to 40 Student Practice,
Practical Exercises (QRS 29) 
HOMEWORK Chapters 6 & 7 issued

Day 6 (Hours 41 to 44) THEORY,

Review of Homework Chapter 6 & 7
Review of Days 1 to 5

CHAPTER 8:  Practical Applications

Advantages, limitations and disadvantages of ultrasonic, 
Factors affecting the sensitivity and resolution of an 
ultrasonic technique including: probe, test set, specimen, 
Flaw, Probe selection
APPENDIX A: Writing of Reports and Instructions

Day 6 (Hours 45 to 48) PRACTICAL,

Hours 45 to 48 Student Practice, Writing of a Report and 
an Instruction
Practical Exercises (QRS 29)
HOMEWORK Chapters 8 issued

Day 7 (Hours 49 to 52) THEORY,

Review of Homework Chapter 8
Review of Reports and Instructions

CHAPTER 9: Calibration and Performance Checking of 

Calibration blocks, Time base calibration and linearity, 
Amplifier linearity and calibration of gain control Probe 
frequency, pulse shape and duration Sensitivity and 
signal-to-noise ratio,
Dead zone Beam Width Resolution, Probe index, beam 
angle, squint, Periodicity and
acceptance criteria

Day 7 (Hours 53 to 56) PRACTICAL,

Hour 53 to 54 Instructor Demo, Calibration and 
Performance Checking of Equipment Hours 55 to 56 
Student Practice, Calibration and Performance Checking 
of Equipment Practical Exercises (QRS 29)
HOMEWORK Chapter 9 issued

Day 8 (Hours 57 to 60) THEORY,

Review of Homework Chapter 9

CHAPTER 10: Immersion Techniques

Immersion systems, Advantages and disadvantages of 
immersion testing, Water gap Probes
Scrubbers, Back reflector method, Effect of curvature on 
sound beam

CHAPTER 11: Defect Sizing

The Decibel, Equivalent flat bottom hole (FBH) method, 
FBH reference blocks, Distance, gain, size (DGS) method, 
6 dB drop method, 20 dB drop method, Maximum 
method, Distance amplitude correction (DAC) curves, 

Day 8 (Hours 61 to 64) PRACTICAL,

Hour 61 to 62 Instructor Demo, Immersion system Defect 
sizing Hours 63 to 64 Student Practice, Immersion system 
Defect sizing Practical Exercises (QRS 29)
HOMEWORK Chapters 10 & 11 issued

Day 9 (Hours 65 to 68) THEORY,

Review of Homework Chapters 10 & 11

CHAPTER 12: Other Ultrasonic Methods

B-Scan, C-Scan, Resonance method, Digital readout 
thickness gauges, Acoustic emission

Day 9 (Hours 69 to 72) PRACTICAL

Hours 69 to 72 Student Practice, Immersion system 
Defect sizing
Practical Exercises (QRS 29) 
HOMEWORK Chapter 12 issued

Day 10 (Hours 73 to 80) THEORY,

Review of Homework Chapters 12
Review of Days 6 to 9
APPENDIX C: Comparison of Methods
Course Review Theory Review Practical Review
End of Course Examination

Day 10 (Hours 73 to 80) PRACTICAL,

Hours 73 to 80 Student Practice, Completion of Exercises 
as required
Practical Exercises (QRS 29)


In accordance to EN 4179/NAS 410 (TES Canada, TWI 
associate training representative)

What else should I know?

        Entry requirements

        No mandatory course entry requirements.

        This course is eligible for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit hours.

        CPD: 80 Credit

        Price: CA$ 0